… as I see it …

  • single worse argument for land-grab

    Come on! Really? The single worse argument for the Jewish takeover of Palestine is “they didn’t really take care of it, and it only started to develop when the Jews came”. That’s like driving though, say, Islington, London UK or a neighborhood in Denver, Colorado USA or Lyon, France and seeing a rundown unkempt house…

  • land of the free, home of the brave…?

    more like land of the manipulated and loud minority, home of the “I’d rather be shopping at Trader Joe’s” majority… if this anti-muslim rhetoric is from the vocal minority, what is the vocal majority saying – or are they saying anything? I am always defending Americans to my fellow Europeans by reminding people that almost…

  • What a perfect example of the machine in malfunction.

    What a perfect example of the machine in malfunction. A whole array of PR agents, speechwriters, thinking-heads and whomever else the machine has on standby will now surround Jan Brewer. It’s so obvious that these puppets cannot think for themselves – or is it that others have thought for them for so long they cannot…

  • oh please…

    If more people in politics spent their time either administering government or preparing to be in government rather than spewing negative energy stirring shit we really would be living in a better world. I was just browsing the latest news on the Guardian website and tried to catch up with the US brouhaha regarding the…

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