… as I see it …

  • living in constant fear

    Russell Brand’s The Trews: how does the media scare us? – video Michael Moore discussed some of the same issues in his Bowling for Columbine movie/documentary many years ago: a media/entertainment industry whose mandate it is to keep us in a constant state of fear. Also, I love this line from Alain de Botton: “Philosophy” ……

  • the immigrant debate

    I tell you what – I’m sick and tired of the immigrant debate which is front and centre right now in the UK due to UKIPs supposed popularity, and which is always ready to be brought out to agitate and coalesce the white-right in the US. My 2-cents as follows: To the British people who…

  • The Syrian conflict – why? and why now?

    Up until now I have been somewhat baffled by the Syrian conflict. It was first explained as an extension of the Arab Spring. The British & French proclaimed their support of the rebels and then the US started showing their hand and then Turkey, and now Israel is allowed to actually bomb Syria, all in…

  • Who died and made you king?

    Unbelievable ! John Kerry says that Assad can have no future role in Syria – I WANT TO SCREAM!!!!! If rebels tried to take over the US government wouldn’t the US military put them down? The US and the West don’t even know who the rebels are. They are meddling AGAIN and it NEVER comes…

  • Speak ill where ill is due

    I’m truly sick of the “don’t speak ill of Margret Thatcher” mantra. Speak ill where ill is due, I say. Yes, she broke some of the good-old-boy-networks of banking and commerce but they are back with full force along with the privatization of everything – she pushed the button on the destruction of all the…

  • Would you stand by? Would you acquiesce?

    Just imagine how you would feel, what you would do if a stranger were given your home though no fault of your own, without your getting any compensation for it or even wanting to give it up and the whole world knew about it and allowed it to happen. Now imagine that same scenario happened…

  • letter to the guardian.co.uk

    Dear Guardian – what are your priorities? What do you consider news? It is very telling that today on theguardian.co.uk Molly Ringwald is the featured article, photo and all, over the Iran earthquake article (no photo on front page). I guess what Molly Ringwald has been doing since the Breakfast Club is just more important…

  • oh, please…not again…

    Oh what a surprise…another presidential hopeful standing with Israel against Iran…who are you again – oh that’s right you’re the one who made all those gaffs in London just a few days ago…oh but no worries, you’ll just pander to the Jewish vote…they all do it, yes even Obama did it…So, I read the article…

  • Starbucks – Twitter – Ireland …

    First and foremost – the question must be asked…What type of person would follow a mega retail chain like Starbucks (or any retail chain) on Twitter? Answer = a twit! Secondly, it says something about us, the consumers, that the people running the advertising end of such mega-businesses are so dense and yet so successful.

  • a thought to fairness as talks cannot being until all the truth is told

    Talk about warmongering and threatening your neighbour!… give us strength…Netanyahu talking at AIPAC after the press conference at the White House… spoke in half truths (not even half – truth be told)…and the full truth is never told when the Israel/Palestine or Iran issues are discussed. To begin with lets look at the list of…

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