I’m truly sick of the “don’t speak ill of Margret Thatcher” mantra. Speak ill where ill is due, I say. Yes, she broke some of the good-old-boy-networks of banking and commerce but they are back with full force along with the privatization of everything – she pushed the button on the destruction of all the good things Britain had achieved for it’s own population, the NHS, free education and a balanced-greed in business. And whilst she espoused hard work as a means to success and demanded it of the British population, when it came to the welfare of her own she enabled her son to make fortunes just by the mere fact of being her son. Margaret Thatcher was immoral and a hypocrite of the highest order. I am not glad she is dead and I do feel for her family but, really people, let take our collective heads out of the facking sand!
Speak ill where ill is due
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